

Originally uploaded by claviger.

A piece of fan art I did for Leigh Dragoons's awesome webcomic 'By the Wayside"

Since last session:

* Last Drink:
A shared bottle of white over dinned. We then smoked cigars on the fire escape, listened to music and played with Byron all night. We are so ghetto fabulous.

* Read:
The stolen Child, Keith Donahue
, : hhhh
A little boy is stolen by a hobgoblin who takes his place. The chapters switch back and forth between the boy now living with the changleings and the goblin now living in the boy's home. A very eeerie and distinct take on the coming of age story.

* Watched:
X-3 h

Dissapointing trash! Why do they still let that guy make movies?

* Listened to:
Thunder Lightning Strike!, The Go team: hhhh

Cheerleader indy pop!

RATING SCALE h Utter shite hh Don't bother hhh Average hhhh nicely done hhhhh farking brilliant


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