
We met Bandit a few months back when we were in Tahoe for The Great Gribbilin's birthday. He belongs to an equally charming couple that is friends with the Gribblin.
JB did some inspired e-mailing with said person and aranged for us to watch him this past weeked.
We paid him such a deal of attention that the poor guy was entirely tuckered out by the end of the weekend; And he is hyper guy. A totaly adorable shih tzu with one blue eye and one brown. And not one of those foppy long-haired ones. He was all rough and tumble and mostly looked like an ewok.
We are now looking for breeders...

Oh, and Happy Birthday food stuff.
Since last session:
For our "5 months" JB and I went out to a tres' schmancy restaraunt last night. I ordered a bottle of pinot noir but they were out of anything costing under $50. So he showed us the others available. I cringed but then said fuck it and bought an amazing bottle by the Byron wineries.
It just seemed ummm...poetic?
Jonathan Strange & M. Norrell, Sussanne Clarke hhhhh
It is hard to some up this book as it took five months of my life to get through (months in which I finished maybe 3 other books). It took that long For 2 reasons.
The first, I really wanted to savor and not rush through any of it.
The second it is 800 pages. And of those pages at least 1/3 (probably more) are covered in footnotes that fill out the lush semi-historical word it takes place.
Laced with dry wit and containing much social commentary, setting it far from the “Harry Potter for adults” people are claiming it to be. It reads far more like Austen or Dickens than Rowling.
* Watched:
Underworld: Evoloutions h
Mind you I went assuming it would be kind of bad, but man.
* Listened to:
Anthology Vol. 1 Cowboy Man, Lyle Lovette hhhh
I got this from the library but it is well worth the price of the record. A sort of compilation of best hits. As the name implies most are lonely (and sometimes angst ridden) cowboy ballads, all with a bit of tounge in cheek. Walk through the bootm land. Mmmm.
RATING SCALE h Utter shite hh Don't bother hhh Average hhhh nicely done hhhhh farking brilliant