The Chosen One
We took the trek down to Bakersfield and picked out our puppy. We had to chose one because others were interested in the pups, annd we had pick of the litter and didn't
want to do it by picture alone. We will drive down to get him up on April 1st when he is 8 weeks old (he needs his momma till then).
Say hello to our pup Byron!

Since last session:
• Last Drinks: A complimentary bottle of wine at the Bakersfield Hotel while watching….
Fantastic Four hh
Not only nonsensical, but boring too. Dr. Doom a stockbroker, what?
• Read:
Danger Girl, J. Scott Campbell. hhh
Bang! pow! kick! punch!
This comic sets out to be an over the top action-packed adventure comic. While it is no great piece of literature it is pretty fun. Of all the image crew I always liked Campbell's stuff the best.
Though sometimes he gets a bit too nooddlley and and a bit too boob-ely.
•Listened to:
Fever and Mirrros, Bright Eyes hhhh
Holly whiny pretentiousness! Not that I don't really like it.
RATING SCALE h Utter shite hh Don't bother hhh Average hhhh nicely done hhhhh farking brilliant
want to do it by picture alone. We will drive down to get him up on April 1st when he is 8 weeks old (he needs his momma till then).
Say hello to our pup Byron!

Since last session:
• Last Drinks: A complimentary bottle of wine at the Bakersfield Hotel while watching….
Fantastic Four hh
Not only nonsensical, but boring too. Dr. Doom a stockbroker, what?
• Read:
Danger Girl, J. Scott Campbell. hhh
Bang! pow! kick! punch!
This comic sets out to be an over the top action-packed adventure comic. While it is no great piece of literature it is pretty fun. Of all the image crew I always liked Campbell's stuff the best.
Though sometimes he gets a bit too nooddlley and and a bit too boob-ely.
•Listened to:
Fever and Mirrros, Bright Eyes hhhh
Holly whiny pretentiousness! Not that I don't really like it.
RATING SCALE h Utter shite hh Don't bother hhh Average hhhh nicely done hhhhh farking brilliant