Almost old
The end of the birthday celebration weekend.
It went quite well.
Hosted the second annual party at my place with a nice turn out. Drank and ate a bunch, had only a minor headache the next day, dinnered, movied, scotched, lunchboxed, sketchbooked, sang poorly, foozballed, mocked, tripped, hoot ha'd and Absinthed (the restaraunt) twice.
What more could you want?
I know i've not posted often of recent. That whole brand new relationship thing. Which is going splendidly. Bye the by. You'd all like her. Really.
And when I am not dancing around with JB, I am cranking on the comic in anticipation of the whole girl-a-matic thang.
(below) Done earlier today. I was quite pleased that I was able to drink coffee (as I was too hungover the day before). Absinthe coffee no less. When I started this sketch, food had not yet arrived, then I finished while waiting for the check. Mmm. Perfect end to a perfect weekend.

Ps. JB look less like a cartoon character in real life. I kept futzing it once I got home and then most of the likeness was gone. Ah, well.
Since last session:
* Last Drink: Glass of Chimay purchased by Mr. Fox. Midnight, of my B-day sitting at the outside tables of Absinthe.
* Read: Sara, J.T. Leroy h
I was told the other book by this "hot" writer is great. They only had this one so I purchased it: whoops. The prose is bland and at times painful. I suppose the story would be wacky and intriguing instead of painful, if one did not spend months with a bunch of drug addled transvestite prostitutes in real life (who were part of the Lulu's wait staff, way back when).
* Watched: Brother's Grimm, Terry Gilliam hh
Entertaining, but the tragedy is in the fact that Gilliam can (and always has) done so much better.
* Listened to: Plans, Death Cab for Cutie: hhhh
Smashing. I think Ben Gibbard fucked over a fair amount of ladies. This record seem like a big explanation (though not apology).
I do have every confidence that my opinion of this record will change in a few weeks (for better or worse is up in the air). Right now I am just pleased as parsnips to hear new Death Cab stuff. My first thoughts are that the slower tunes are far better then the mid-tempo ones, and I morn the lack of anything remotely heavy/fast.
RATING SCALE h Utter shite hh Don't bother hhh Average hhhh nicely done hhhhh farking brilliant
It went quite well.
Hosted the second annual party at my place with a nice turn out. Drank and ate a bunch, had only a minor headache the next day, dinnered, movied, scotched, lunchboxed, sketchbooked, sang poorly, foozballed, mocked, tripped, hoot ha'd and Absinthed (the restaraunt) twice.
What more could you want?
I know i've not posted often of recent. That whole brand new relationship thing. Which is going splendidly. Bye the by. You'd all like her. Really.
And when I am not dancing around with JB, I am cranking on the comic in anticipation of the whole girl-a-matic thang.
(below) Done earlier today. I was quite pleased that I was able to drink coffee (as I was too hungover the day before). Absinthe coffee no less. When I started this sketch, food had not yet arrived, then I finished while waiting for the check. Mmm. Perfect end to a perfect weekend.

Ps. JB look less like a cartoon character in real life. I kept futzing it once I got home and then most of the likeness was gone. Ah, well.
Since last session:
* Last Drink: Glass of Chimay purchased by Mr. Fox. Midnight, of my B-day sitting at the outside tables of Absinthe.
* Read: Sara, J.T. Leroy h
I was told the other book by this "hot" writer is great. They only had this one so I purchased it: whoops. The prose is bland and at times painful. I suppose the story would be wacky and intriguing instead of painful, if one did not spend months with a bunch of drug addled transvestite prostitutes in real life (who were part of the Lulu's wait staff, way back when).
* Watched: Brother's Grimm, Terry Gilliam hh
Entertaining, but the tragedy is in the fact that Gilliam can (and always has) done so much better.
* Listened to: Plans, Death Cab for Cutie: hhhh
Smashing. I think Ben Gibbard fucked over a fair amount of ladies. This record seem like a big explanation (though not apology).
I do have every confidence that my opinion of this record will change in a few weeks (for better or worse is up in the air). Right now I am just pleased as parsnips to hear new Death Cab stuff. My first thoughts are that the slower tunes are far better then the mid-tempo ones, and I morn the lack of anything remotely heavy/fast.
RATING SCALE h Utter shite hh Don't bother hhh Average hhhh nicely done hhhhh farking brilliant